A 15 year old boy’s one word prayer?

God will work with available vessels. I sense that we would experience more of God if only we can recognize how helpless we are without Him!

A fifteen-year-old boy named Donald was wonderfully converted and became an outstanding helper in the revival.

One day Campbell called at Donald’s home and found him on his knees in the barn with an open Bible before him.

Donald quietly said, “Excuse me a little, Mister Campbell, I am having an audience with the King.”

In a service one night this youth stood up, clasped his hands together and uttered the one word, “Father.”

Everyone was immediately melted to tears by the presence of God invading the house. And this extraordinary young man went on to play an important role in the Berneray revival.

Revival Fire by Wesley Duewel, pg 312.

I know you want this, we can see the move of God if we ask Him.

Let’s work together!

Two elderly ladies?

I am always blown away by the way God works. No one is too young or too old. See what God did with two elderly ladies. One of them was blind. Everyone can pray!

In 1949 in the village of Barvas, Rev. James Murray MacKay was the parish minister. For months he and his church leaders prayed for an outpouring of the Spirit.

In a small cottage lived two elderly sisters: Peggy Smith, aged eighty-four and blind, and her sister Christine Smith, eighty-two and almost bent double with arthritis.

They were unable to attend worship, but for months they prayed in their cottage for God to send revival to Barvas.

Revival Fire by Wesley Duewel, pg 306

They prayed for months for people in their village by name. And other members of the church prayed as well.

One morning after several months of praying, God gave one of the sisters Peggy Smith a vision of the church building filled with people including the young people. She saw hundreds of people being swept into the kingdom of God.

She told her pastor and he and the church elders invited a guest minister Duncan Campbell to speak for a couple of days.

Here is what happened

That night Campbell preached on “The Wise Virgins” and the following night on “The Foolish Virgins.”

The second service closed with intense silence. God was speaking to hearts.

At the close, Campbell dismissed the crowd and the building emptied.

But suddenly the church door opened again and an elder motioned for Campbell to come to the door.

The entire congregation was standing outside, so gripped by the Holy Spirit they did not want to leave.

Other people who had not attended were drawn from their homes by the irresistible power of the Holy Spirit.

Many faces showed deep distress. Campbell called everyone back inside the church.

The awesome presence of God was so profound that unsaved people began to groan with distress and pray in repentance.

Revival Fire by Wesley Duewel pg 308.

Many more wonderful things happened in that village.

When we pray with our whole hearts for a move of God’s Holy Spirit. He always responds.

Let’s pray please! Our Heavenly Father is looking for willing vessels. (Acts 1:14)

God can use a simple prayer when the heart is right!

In the move of God that was experienced in Wales in 1904, God used a simple prayer to do a big work.

If someone prays that God should send the Holy Spirit today we would all agree that the Holy Spirit is already here and that the prayer needs to be modified.

But God knows the heart! He doesn’t only consider the words. I believe the Lord will eventually correct us when we use the wrong words but we don’t need to worry too much about words when we really want the glory of God with all our spirit soul and body.

Here is what happened in the first week of the move of God in Wales!

The first week of revival under Evan Roberts culminated in a powerful Sunday evening service. Here is Roberts’ description of the events.

By midnight the whole congregation was “overwhelmed with tears…Then the people came down from the gallery, and sat close to one another. ‘Now,’ said I, ‘we must believe that the Spirit will come; not think He will come; not hope He will come; but firmly believe that He will come.’

Then I read the promises of God, and pointed out how definite they were. (Remember, I am doing all under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and praise be to him.)

After this, the Spirit said that everyone was to pray. Pray now, not confess, not sing, not give experience, but pray and believe, and wait. And this is the prayer, ‘Send the Spirit now, for Jesus Christ’s sake.’ “The people were sitting, and only closed their eyes. The prayer began with me.

Then it went from seat to seat—boys and girls—young men and maidens. Some asking in silence, some aloud, some coldly, some with warmth, some formally, some in tears, some with difficulty, some adding to it, boys and girls, strong voices, then tender voices.

Oh, wonderful! I never thought of such an effect. I felt the place beginning to be filled, and before the prayer had gone half way through the chapel, I could hear some brother weeping, sobbing, and saying, ‘Oh, dear! dear! well! well!’ ‘Oh, dear! dear!’ On went the prayer, the feeling becoming more intense; the place being filled more and more (with the Spirit’s presence).”

The sixty or more remaining at this time now gathered around the revivalist, many almost overcome with awe. Some called out, “No more, Lord Jesus, or I die!” Others cried for mercy, weeping, singing, praising, and lying prostrate on the floor in agony of conviction for their sin. Eventually they closed the meeting, and Roberts got to bed at 3:15 A.M.

By now simultaneous revival had also come to Gorseinon, with praying, weeping, and singing such as people had never known before.

Revival Fire, Pg 190 – Wesley Duewel

When they asked the Holy Spirit to come, they wanted the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and He manifested with great convictions!

Let’s continue to pray for the manifestation of the Holy Spirit as we interact with people daily, at our Discovery Groups, at our workplaces and our church meetings! Let’s ask in faith!

Desperate for a move of God – Evan Roberts

What can we do to catalyze a move of God? My answer is prayers! If we want God to move we must ask!

If you want to pray for a move of God, then the move of God has started in a way because, it is the spirit of God that draws us to pray!

When the world wide move of God started in wales in 1904, Evan Roberts had been praying for a about 13 years! Here is a quote from Revival Fires!

Roberts began to pray for 100,000 souls, and God gave him the assurance that 100,000 would be won to Christ. He testified, “The divine fire has taken hold of us.”Roberts felt the necessity of full obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit. He envisaged taking a team of young people with him in evangelism across Wales. He kept urging the people to surrender fully to the Holy Spirit and to obey Him.

Revival Fires, p185, Wesley Duewel

Let us keep praying and let’s not stop until we experience a move of God! While praying let’s follow Robert’s simple instructions during the revival!

Throughout the revival period he repeatedly emphasized four points: (1) confess openly and fully any unconfessed sin; (2) put away from your life anything doubtful; (3) obey promptly anything the Spirit tells you to say and do; (4) confess Christ openly.

Revival Fires, p189, Wesley Duewel

We need a move of God in Canada!

And we can have a move of God if we are willing to pray until we see the move of God!

Prayer precedes all moves of God! When prayers increase then you know that a move of God has started.

“All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.” Acts‬ ‭1:14‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Here is a testimony of a person who was involved in a move of God in Northern Ireland in 1859.

I read this from a book titled Revival Fire by Dr Wesley Duewel – Chapter 20.

A well-educated merchant of high morality suddenly saw hell opened before his eyes, and an irresistible power seemed to force him headlong into it. He looked around and said to himself, “I know where I am. This is the church where I usually worship. I am under a delusion.” But as he looked down, there was hell! He arose from his seat and seized the back of the pew in front of him. The smoke from hell seemed to rise in his face. He shuddered and his heart cried out, “My sins! My sins! I am lost!” He staggered out of the building and went home. “Had anyone asked me, where are you going? I would have answered, in calm despair, I am going to hell.” Upon reaching his room, for several hours he called out to God for mercy. Then God’s promises came to his mind. He joyously seized them, and “a heavenly radiance” spread over his soul. He arose a Christian. He raced out into the night across town and knocked on his business partner’s door. When the door opened, he called out, “I have found Christ and have come to tell you!” They prayed together, and three days later his partner was converted.

It’s amazing how people can be transformed by God in response to prayers!

Let’s pray every day until we begin to have testimonies of daily transformations like this!